致 各路網友及喜愛 Hurray English, Story Bom Bom 的家長,
因在這幾個月陸續收到查詢有關MHE, SBB的團購事宜,
報名日期:即日(1 Mar)起 至10 Apr (15套額滿即止)
成團要求:15套 (MHE1&2, SBB1&2 - 任何四款的組合) - 因為固定成本(運費及報關等費用)的攤分,團購的套數越多,每套的價錢便越划算。
訂購流程:訂購者查詢後表示訂購意願 → 獲取一個確認電郵並訂購編號 →
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updated - 21 July, 2010:-(謝謝是次參與Hurray English 1&2, Story Bom Bom 1&2, Space Bom Bom的家長的支持及信任,HE & Story BB已在兩個月前送抵到各訂購者的府上,而Space Bom Bom卻因電子產品的報關問題,拖延到昨天才抵港,已安排陸續送貨,如有任何查詢,請跟我們聯絡。
補充:尚有少量Story Bom Bom 1&2, Space Bom Bom,欲購從速,請喜歡此教材的家長相互轉告。)
Step 1 - Song Books - Units 1-7
Songs - I'm so happy, What are you wearing?, Let's play a game, Old MacDonald had a farm, How's the Weather?, I am a little teapot, etc.
Below: I am so happy!
Below: Old MacDonald had a farm
Step 2 - Alphabet Books - Units 8 -39
A - Story - Let's share the apple - Ant, Alligator, Apple, Arms, Ankle, Ask,
Above: an Ant
Below: An Apple
Below: Alligator said, "It's my apple!"
B - Story - Who can reach the ball? - Baseball, Ball, Banana, Bear, Baker, Boy
C - Story - Let's go to the supermarket - Cat, Camel, Cart, Cabbage, Cumumber, Cookie
Z - Story - Dear Santa Claus - Zebra, Zoo, etc.
Step 3 - Riddle Books - Units 40 - 41
Unit 40 - What is it? - eg. it is red in color, it is round, you can make pies with it. What is it?
Below: It's red in color
Below: It's round
Step 4 - Chant Books - Units 42 - 46
Unit 42 - Look, Look, Look at the frogs - Frogs are small, small, small, Look, Look, Look at the Hippos, Hippos are Big, Big, Big.
Below: Frogs are small, small, small
Step 5 - Story Books - Unit 47 - 48
Unit 47 - The Ants and the Grasshopper
During fine summer days, Grasshopper sang under a tree.
He watched the Ants work very hard.
"Hello! Ants, come and sing with me under the tree."
The Ants did not listen. "No, Grasshopper, we must work hard for the cold winter.
Grasshopper felt sorry for the Ants, "Ha! ha! hard work and no play. How foolish are you!"
Below: Photos taken for Real Objects
Left hand side: 26 Alphabets made in Sand paper feel!
Sensory Method proposed by Montessori
Above: Word and picture cards for matching game
Above: 3 CDs and 1 DVD
(can be played either by any DVD player or Space Bom Bom)
Above: Similar as Hurray English I - Different Scenarios background
Above: Animals for "Old MacDonald had a farm"
Above: a Round-shaped book with pages -
Sunny and Rainy for "How's the weather?"
Above: Riddles
Comment: Printing Quality is really fantastic with pretty good contents
A great learning material for building up a reading habit and edutainment (寓教於樂) !
...... 但希望在分享中,叫一些活在愁煩中的家長改變過來,以喜樂的心去造就一個愛的環境給他/她們的寶寶成長,在那個環境下,沒有寶寶是被忽略、被遺棄、被掌控... 卻是被愛惜、被接納、被啟蒙,在愛中得到建立。(extracted from: my profile)