惟恩寶寶,今天在靈修中看到的一篇文章,很想與你分享,作為您的父母,我們也會在日常生活中,將這些知識及智慧一點一滴地灌輸給你,今天選輯的內容,是希望您可從不同的動物身上,看到造物的奇妙可畏,有一句聖經是這樣說的:『神的事情,人所能知道的,在他們裡面原是明顯的,因為 神已經向他們顯明了。其實自從創世以來, 神那不能看見的本性,就如他永恆的大能和神性,都可以清楚顯見就是從他所造的萬物中可以領悟,叫人沒有辦法推諉。』(羅馬書 1: 19-20)
摘錄自< Our Daily Bread > 23 Feb, 2011 - The Variety of Creation Read: Job 12:7-13
Have you ever stopped to consider the amazing features God placed in the animals He created? Job did, and one of the most interesting he wrote about is the ostrich. Despite its apparent lack of good sense and its eccentric parenting skills, its offspring survive (39:13-16). And despite its membership in the bird family, it can’t fly—but it can outrun a horse (v.18).
Another remarkable creature is the bombardier beetle. This African insect shoots two common materials, hydrogen peroxide and hydroquinone, from twin storage tanks in its back. Apart, these substances are harmless; together, they blind the beetle’s predators. A special nozzle inside the beetle mixes the chemicals, enabling it to bombard its foe at amazing speeds! And the little guy can rotate his “cannon” to fire in any direction.
How can this be? How is it that a rather dull-witted ostrich survives despite a seeming inability to care for its young while the bombardier beetle needs a sophisticated chemical reaction to ensure its continued presence on earth? It’s because God’s creative abilities know no boundaries. “He commanded and they were created,” the psalmist tells us (148:5). From the ostrich to the beetle, God’s creative work is clear for all to see. “Praise the name of the Lord” (148:13).
All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful;
The Lord God made them all. —Alexander
The design of creation points to the Master Designer.
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