

1. 惟恩寶寶的生活日記、成長點滴 2. 寶寶的早期教育啟蒙 - 右腦、語言訓練、蒙特梭利教學法 3. 寶寶的早期靈性引導 - 詩歌、聖經故事、禱告 4. 隨筆、遊記 5. 聖經教導、領受、得著分享


Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

2012年4月3日 星期二

一齣發人心省的電影 - Courageous 《勇氣》

此電影在去年9月在北美上映,單是一個周末 (9月30日至10月2日) 的票房已達9百萬美金,

跌倒的心路歷程 ...... 在其中一位警員的女兒不幸在車禍中去世的經歷後,
高物價的折騰... 叫人不知不覺間,忽略了父親原來在家庭中應盡的本分。

官方網站的介紹 -
Protecting the streets is second nature to these men. Raising their children in a God-honoring way? That's courageous.
維護在街上的法紀、市民的安危是他們人生次要的職責,而教養孩童,讓他/她們行在上帝的心意中,並見證榮耀祂,乃是他們的天職,這需要 『勇氣』。
As a law-enforcement officer, I've seen first-hand the deep hurt and devastation that fatherlessness brings in a child's life. Our prisons are full of men and women who lived recklessly after being abandoned by their fathers, wounded by the men who should have loved them the most. Many now follow the same pattern of irresponsibility that their fathers did. While so many mothers have sacrificed to help their children survive, they were never intended to carry the weight alone. We thank God for them.  
But research is proving that a child also desperately needs a daddy. There's no way around this fact. As you know, earlier this year, my family endured the tragic loss of our 9-year-old daughter, Emily. Her death forced me to realize that not only had I not taken advantage of the priceless time I had with her, but that I did not truly understand how crucial my role was as a father to her and our son, Dylan. Since her passing, I've asked God to show me, through his word how to be the father that I need to be. I now believe that God desires for every father to courageously step up and do whatever it takes to be involved in the lives of his children.
但研究指出,在一個孩子成長的過程中,是極其需要父親,這一點是無可爭議的事實。你們也知道,在年初的時候,我的整個家庭都活在悲痛中,因我們失去了9歲的女兒 Emily。她的離開逼使我深深體會到,我不但沒有好好珍惜跟她一起的時光... 那是無價的,而且我從沒有真正明白作為一個父親在子女心中所擔當的角色是何等的重要。自從女兒的離去,我曾屢次求問上帝,求祂以聖經告訴我應該怎樣作,才能成為一位好爸爸? 我現在相信,上帝的心意是每一位父親勇敢地站出來,在子女成長的歷程上,盡量參與在其中!
But more than just being there or providing for them, he's to walk with them through their lives and be a visual representation of the character of God, their Father in heaven. A father should love his children and seek to win their hearts. He should protect them, discipline them and teach them about God. He should model how to walk with integrity and treat others with respect and should call out his children to become responsible men and women who live their lives for what matters in eternity.
不只是在子女的身邊提供日用的需要,而他亦會與子女同行,並活出一個模範 — 一個效法耶穌基督、反映天父屬性的模範。父親應該愛自己的子女,並且努力地贏取他們的心,保護他們,管教他們,教導他們認識上帝。他亦應該以身作則 —作一個正直的人、懂得尊重別人,並塑造子女成為有責任心的人,亦讓他們曉得在人生中,應該為那些具有永恆價值的事物而生活。
Some men will hear this and mock it or ignore it. But I tell you that as a father, you are accountable to God for the position of influence he has given you. You can't fall asleep at the wheel only to wake up one day and realize that your job or your hobbies have no eternal value but the souls of your children do.
聽到這裡,有些人可能會嘲笑或對我的分享置之不理,但是我告訴你們,作為父親 — 這個上帝交付給你、具有影響力的職分,你是要交帳的! 你不能渾渾噩噩、戅戅居居地讓日子白過,以致一覺醒來,你才驚醒並發現原來的你的工作、你的嗜好根本在永恆上是沒有價值的,但不要忘記,你兒女(每個人)的靈魂卻是永存的。
Some men will hear this and agree with it but have no resolve to live it out. Instead, they will live for themselves and waste the opportunity to leave a Godly legacy for the next generation. But there are some men who, regardless of the mistakes we've made in the past, regardless of what our fathers did not do for us, will give the strength of our arms and the rest of our days to loving God with all that we are and to teach our children to do the same, and, whenever possible, to love and mentor others who have no father in their lives but who desperately need help and direction. 
We are inviting any man whose heart is willing and courageous to join us in this resolution. In my home, the decision has already been made.
You don't have to ask who will guide my family, because by God's grace, I will. You don't have to ask who will teach my son to follow Christ, because I will.
Who will accept the responsibility of providing and protecting my family? I will. Who will ask God to break the chain of destructive patterns in my family's history? I will.
Who will pray for and bless my children to boldly pursue whatever God calls them to do? I am their father. I will.
I accept this responsibility, and it is my privilege to embrace it. I want the favor of God and his blessing on my home. Any good man does.
So where are you, men of courage? Where are you, fathers who fear the Lord?
It's time to rise up and answer the call that God has given to you and to say, "I will. I will. I will."
你不需要問誰會引導我兒子去跟隨耶穌基督。因為 我會!
誰會祈求上帝叫我們這一代不用再沿襲上一代帶來的傷痛及破壞? 我會!
勇敢的人啊! 你們在哪裏?那些敬畏神的父親?

1. wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courageous_(film)
2. official website - http://courageousthemovie.com/themovie
3. EPM (Eternal Perspective Ministry) - http://www.epm.org/resources/2011/Nov/2/courageous-novel-honors-script-adds-characters-and/

(惟恩,以上的文字是有一半是重新再打的,因錯手關了這個視窗了,但你要謹記 — 若你認為是正確的事情,有時雖然不一定會一帆風順,但只要堅持的話,最終一定會成功的。)

How to Become a Confident Mom?
總理 溫家寶創作的一首詩歌 《仰望星空》
2歲以下 - 禁看電視

1 則留言:

  1. It's a good sharing! Thanks! BTW, actually I am interested to buy second-hand Hurray English 2. Has Wai Yan finished using it? If so, please email charisleung@yahoo.com.hk. Thanks.



Toronto, Ontario, Canada
一顆期盼著生命來臨的心 - 新生命是天父所賜最好的禮物,怎樣迎接著他/她的來臨,應該抱著什麼的心情? 一個與主耶穌基督離世升天復活前同齡的信徒、一個深信藉著十字架的愛才可以化解人間的怨仇、一個飽歷滄桑但仍相信『四海之內皆兄弟』、不斷學習『愛人如己』的赤子、一個正期盼著BB出生的準父親...... (以上寫於2007年8月)(以下是寫於2009年12月27日) 從少在天主教背景長大、熟悉聖經、天主教教會的禮儀、規條、教義、可能是未曾遇上一個值得敬重的天主教徒的同學或老師,因緣際會下,中七時在一基督教宣道會的『彩虹佈道會』中、茅塞頓開、明白到『因信稱義』的道理,便毅然決志信主、從此跟隨耶穌基督、立志將信仰跟生活融合(fuse / integrate)起來、樂意跟渴望真理的人分享真道、讓更多人明白福音、體驗基督的愛。 亦曾在年輕時深入虎穴,在一間主流基督教視為異端的教會聚會、跟那些談吐斯文、熱心傳道的年青長老研究、交流、並參與他們教會的核數工作、對他們的行政、財政、佈道策略瞭如指掌。 最近開始探索伊斯蘭的教義,碰巧新來的外傭是虔誠的穆斯林,更加可以知己知彼。 此博客的寫作及資料分享的動力來源... 其一是跟別人分享自己認為是優良、叫人得造就、建立的資訊,而亦是自己資料搜集的平台,自己在分享過程中及在其他博客的回饋意見及交流中,不斷的更新及豐富自己的學識及內涵... 其二是給惟恩寶寶一步一步地灌輸我們認為正確的、以聖經為本的價值觀、道德觀、宇宙觀,讓寶寶在愛及真理中成長,以致她長大多一點、懂得獨立思考的時候,可以自己選擇一條正路,畢竟每個人都被賦與自由意志,跟隨耶穌基督與否是個人的選擇,萬一在寶寶成長的中途、我們作父母的突然猝死(在每晚睡著之前,誰有絕對的把握 -- 翌日早晨的時候,心仍然在跳動、還有明天的生命氣息?),寶寶也可以明白父母的心意... 其三是因為互聯網的『無遠弗屆』,希望在天家的母親、外婆、外公,也可以知道我們在地上的近況。 其四是讓寶寶在長大後,可以回望小時候的成長片段。 其五是在分享教養孩童的生活片段、成長點滴的時候,當中必定是喜樂多於憂愁的,雖然實踐、學習無條件的愛時,必定要付上代價,但希望在分享中,叫一些活在愁煩中的家長改變過來,以喜樂的心去造就一個愛的環境給他/她們的寶寶成長,在那個環境下,沒有寶寶是被忽略、被遺棄、被掌控... 卻是被愛惜、被接納、被啟蒙,在愛中建立自己。
