教導寶寶百科全書集體編纂進度 @ 23 Oct
早在4、5個月前已收到約25位家長的登記,當中有8位表示願意參與編纂『智慧綱領』的工作,其餘的十多位表示願意參與試讀、校對、給予意見。編纂的工作原來比想像中繁複,其中搜集資料花了相當的時間,看了不少的BBC Discovery Series、National Geographic、Britainnica Encyclopaedia、全美文化出版的Discoveries Library、International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE)、Wikipedia,有時找到的資料存在矛盾或不一致的時候,亦要再三查證,之後定了編纂的大綱內容後,便是要搜索及購買高質素的圖片BoW (Doman稱為「智力元件」)(Bit of Intelligence/Wisdom),這個程序也是花了不少心機、時間的,還要以"Photoshop"去修輯,在搜集資料、圖片的同時,亦開始了PoW(Doman稱為「智力綱領」)(Program of Intelligence / Widsom)的編纂的工作...
按照Glenn Doman的指引,一個好的BoW應具備以下的元素:
1. Fact but not opinion (事實而非個人意見)
2. Accurate (精確 - 如水晶般剔透)
3. Precise (簡潔 - 除事實外,別無贅言,編者按:"是就是... 不是就是不是")
4. unambiguous(無任何含糊、曖昧成分)
下圖是兩隻糞金龜甲蟲(Dung Beetles)在搬運一粒糞便,若果在教導寶寶時 - 『這是糞金龜甲蟲』,寶寶便會混淆這一個"資訊"了 -- 甲蟲跟糞也混在一起了。

(for those parents who spoke in English and not familarized in Chinese, but are interested in this collaboration group of construcing the Program of Intelligences / Wisdoms, pls leave your contact e-mail at the Comment Box or directly e-mail me to my personal e-mail - tiknGod@yahoo.com, we have completed 130 PoW in English and 40 PoW of them have not been translated into Chinese yet. Pls join us if you want to contribute yourself in the proofreading and trial reading. Just reply me which category(ies) (pls see below) you are interested, and I will send them for your review and comment.)
* 圖卡的內容:
OBsCR™ - all rights are reserved. The following contents and pictures cannot be reproduced, transmitted in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, without the prior written permission of the Editor – Tik CHAN whose e-mail is tiknGod@yahoo.com with the blog – http://obscr.blogspot.com/
- Universe & Natural World (宇宙及自然界) - 20 BoW & PoW consists of Sun (太陽), Moon(月亮), Solar System (太陽系), Comets (彗星), Earth (地球), Water & Sky (水、天空)、World (世界), Grass (草), Leaf (葉), Vegetables (蔬菜), Flowers (花), Fruits (水果), Fishes (魚), Birds (鳥), Seasons (季節), Cloud (雲), Lightning (閃電), Rainbow (彩虹), Tropical Rainforest (熱帶雨林), Mountain (山).
example:- Sun (太陽)i) Never directly look at the sun! This can make you blind or cause cataracts.
ii) The Sun is around 1.4 million kilometres in diameter and that is 109 times of the Earth.
iii) The Sun is made up of hot gas - 75% hydrogen and 25% helium.
iv) Earth is the third planet distant from the Sun.
v) The energy given by the Sun will be burnt out one day.
vi) The surface temperature of the Sun is approximately 5,500°C.
vii) The Earth takes 365 days to revolve around the sun.
viii) The Earth is spinning on its axis. The axis of the spin is tilted by about 23.5 degrees in relation to the orbit.
ix) The Sun's gravitational force is 28 times of the Earth's gravity. For example, a 10 kg baby would be 280 kg in weight on the Sun.
x) The mass of the Sun is about 333,000 times of the Earth and the Sun contains 99.8% of all of the mass of the Solar System.
xi) No lives can live on Earth without the sun which gives us light, heat and energy.
xii) The Fourth Day of the God's Creation - "And God made the two great lights: the greater light to be the ruler of the day, and the smaller light to be the ruler of the night: and he made the stars. And God put them in the arch of heaven, to give light on the earth; To have rule over the day and the night, and for a division between the light and the dark: and God saw that it was good." (Bible, BBE, Genesis 1: 16-18) - the Sun is that greater light.
i) 不要直視太陽!這樣會導致失明或白內障的。
ii) 太陽的直徑大約是140萬公里,是地球的109倍。
iii) 太陽是由熾熱的氣體組成的 - 75%的氫和25%的氦。
iv) 地球是太陽系接近太陽從最內到外的第三顆行星。
v) 太陽釋放出來的能量是會有消耗殆盡的一天。
vi) 太陽的表面溫度大約是攝氏5,500度。
vii) 地球圍繞著太陽轉一圈,需時365天。
viii) 地球在公轉的同時,亦沿著自己的軸心旋轉。地球的地軸傾斜相對公轉的軌道是23.5°
ix) 太陽的地心引力是地球的28倍,一個重10公斤的嬰兒,在太陽的重量便是280公斤了。
x) 太陽的重量是地球的333,000倍,而太陽已佔了整個太陽系的重量的99.8%。
xi) 若然沒有太陽的話,亦不會有生命能夠存活在地球上。太陽給我們光、熱和能量。
xii) 這是上帝創造的第四日 - "於是 神造了兩個大光、大的管晝、小的管夜.又造眾星。 就把這些光擺列在天空、普照在地上、管理晝夜、分別明暗. 神看著是好的. 【聖經‧創世記 1: 16-18】-- 太陽就是那個大的大光。
example:-fruits (水果) - Plants (植物) - 5 BoW & PoW consists of Bauhinia (洋紫荊), Pitcher Plants (豬籠草), Rose (玫瑰), Sunflower (太陽花), Christmas Star (聖誕花)
example:- Bauhinia (洋紫荊)
i) Bauhinia was adopted as the floral emblem of Hong Kong in 1965.
ii) In 1997, the HKSAR adopted Bauhinia as coat of arm of the Region emblem, flag, notes and coins.
iii) Bauhinia is sometimes called as Hong Kong Orchard Tree, an evergreen tree that can grow up to 12 meters and their branches spread 3-6 m outwards.
iv) Bauhinia displays a rounded, spreading canopy composed of green and double lobed leaves with the diameter up to 20cm.
v) In 2005, Bauhinia was certified by the University of Hong Kong as a natural hybrid involving B.purpurea and B.variegata.
vi) These flowers are sterile and will not set seed, so Bauhinia can only be propagated by cuttings and air-layering.
vii) The five petal flowers can reach 12 cm in diameter, generally in shades of purple and are often fragrant.
viii) Bauhinia has 5 stamen and will not set seed, flowering from every November to March of the next year.
ix) In 1908, Bauhinia was given the scientific name as ‘Blakeana’ for the 12th Governor of Hong Kong, Sir Henry Arthur Blake who was a keen amateur botanist.
x) Bauhinia was first discovered on the shore of Hong Kong Island near Pokfulam around 1880 by a Missionary from France.
xi) A statue of the plant has been erected in Golden Bauhinia Square in Hong Kong.
xii) Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae
Genus: Bauhinia
i) 在1965年,洋紫荊被採立為作為香港的市花。
ii) 香港特區政府在1997年亦以洋紫荊作為區徽、區旗及紙幣及硬幣的設計圖案。
iii) 洋紫荊亦被稱為『香港蘭』, 常綠喬木,樹身可達12米高,而樹枝可向外伸展達6米。
iv) 洋紫荊的葉片呈心型,由兩片裂片組成,中間可見清晰的葉脈分野,直徑可達20厘米。
v) 洋紫荊為混種植物,在2005年被香港大學確認為是紅花羊蹄甲和宮粉羊蹄甲的混種。
vi) 開出不育的花朵及產生不能發芽的種子,故只有採用無性繁殖方法來繁衍後代。
vii) 洋紫荊的花有花瓣5片,紫紅色,具有香氣,直徑可達12厘米。
viii) 洋紫荊的花有雄芯5枚,通常不結果,花期由每年的11月初至翌年3月。
ix) 在1908年,洋紫荊的學名的被命名為‘Blakeana’,以紀念當時熱在位的第12任港督卜力爵士(Sir Henry Arthur Blake),他是一位業餘的植物專家。
x) 洋紫荊首先在1880年於香港島薄扶林被一名來自法國的傳教士發現。
xi) 在香港灣仔海傍的金紫荊廣場內,樹立了一尊洋紫荊的銅像。
xii) 科學名稱分類
羊蹄甲屬 Fruits (水果) - 15 BoW & PoW consists of Apple (蘋果), Avocado (牛油果), Banana (香蕉), Coconut (椰子), Durian (榴槤), Kiwi (奇異果), Mangosteen (山竹), Orange (橙), Peach (桃子), Pear (梨), Persimmon (柿子), Grapes (葡萄), Starfruit (楊桃), (Strawberry 草莓 / 士多啤梨), Watermelon (西瓜)
example:- Strawberry (草莓 / 士多啤梨) (F. × ananassa)
i) Straw was used in cultivating and protecting the Strawberry plant, which may have led to its name.
ii) The cropping is possible all around the year, but the best are grown in the summer with plenty of sunshine.
iii) The strawberry is actually an accessory fruit, meaning the fleshy part is derived not from the plant's ovaries but from the peg at the bottom of the bowl-shaped hypanthium.
iv) The soft, usually delicious red fruit we eat is technically a vegetable - the small yellow pips around the outside of the fruit are the actual fruit or seeds.
v) Strawberries need good drainage to grow and they are susceptible to frost and drought.
vi) The garden or summer strawberry originated in Europe in 1712 A.D., and is an accidental cross between two varieties; one from eastern North America and one from Chile, combining the good flavour and the large size.
vii) Strawberry leaves can be used to make tea, and also used to treat many other medicinal conditions including ulcers, heart disease, atherosclerosis, gallstones, gastritis, asthma, and insomnia.
viii) It is culinary and can be served fresh, and addition to food products such as jam, ice- cream, milkshakes, smoothies and yogurts.
ix) Excellent source of vitamin C. 100 g of strawberries contains approximately 30 kcal.
x) Strawberries that are plump, firm, fully red and free from wrinkles are good.
xi) Scienfitic Classification
FragariaInsects and Arachnids (昆蟲及節肢類動物) - 10 BoW and PoW consists of Seven-spotted Lady Beetle (七星瓢蟲), Golden Birdwing (金裳鳳蝶), Common Grass Yellow (寬邊黃粉蝶), Dragonfly (Green-eyed Skimmer) (狹腹灰蜻), Emperor Scorpion (帝王蠍), Honeybee (蜜蜂), House fly (家蠅), Desert Locust (沙漠蝗蟲), Ant (螞蟻), Praying Mantis (螳螂)
example:- Honeybee (蜜蜂)
i) Insects represent more than half of all known living organisms and potentially represent over 90% of the differing life forms on Earth.
ii) Honeybees are social and cooperative insects. A hive's inhabitants are generally divided into three types.
iii) Workers are the only bees that most people ever see. These bees are females that are not sexually developed and hard labour with low social status,
iv) Workers forage for food (pollen and nectar from flowers), build and protect the hive, clean, circulate air by beating their wings.
v) A honeybee has two pairs of wings. The larger front wings are joined to the smaller back wings by a row of hooks. The two pairs of wings beat together.
vi) Worker bees suck up sugary nectar from flowers by its tongue acting as a straw and produce a wax which is used to build their combs.
vii) The nest is made up of individual cells in the shape of a hexagon. The cells, which are like the rooms of a house, varies in size for different inhabitants.
viii) The queen's job is simple—laying the eggs that will spawn the hive's next generation of bees. A special characteristic of bees is the ability to determine the sex of their offspring.
ix) When the Queen lays eggs, she releases one sperm cell for each egg she lays if females are needed. Males develop from eggs which have not been fertilized.
x) Honeybee hives have long provided humans with honey and beeswax. Such commercial uses have spawned a large beekeeping industry.
xi) Male bees are called drones, which main function is to be ready to fertilize a receptive queen. After mating, the drones will die shortly.
xii) In the Bible, they were noted for their antagonism, and armies were compared to swarms of bees (Deuteronomy 1:44). And, Samson ate honey from the carcass of a lion and later tested the Philistines with a riddle (Judges 14:5-18).
i) 昆蟲的數量,佔了全世界的生物一半以上。
ii) 蜜蜂是群居及喜歡互相合作的昆蟲,一般的蜂巢的住客可分為三種。
iii) 我們常見的蜜蜂是工蜂 -- 她們是發育不健全的雌性蜜蜂,一生勞勞役役,卻是地位低微。
iv) 工蜂負責搜尋食物(包括花粉及花蜜)、建造及保護蜂巢、餵養幼蟲、以她們的翅膀去淨化空氣及使空氣流通。
v) 蜜蜂有兩對翅膀,在前方的一對較大,以一排鉤扣著在後方的一對,這使到蜜蜂的兩對翅膀可以同步撲動。
vi) 工蜂以她們的像吸管的舌頭採集植物的花蜜,並分泌蜂蠟來建造及保護蜂巢。
vii) 蜂巢是由眾多六角形的蜂房組成的。蜂房像我們居住的房子一樣,不同的住客的房間大小是不同的。
viii) 蜂后的工作很單一,就是產卵、繁衍後代,其中一個很奇特的地方,是蜂后有能力去選擇她所生出來的後代的性別。
ix) 當蜂后產卵的時候,若她打算孕育一隻雌性的小蜜蜂,她會排出一顆貯存在體內的精子,相反,若她打算孕育一隻雄性的小蜜蜂,她便只要產卵而不同時排出體內的精子。
x) 蜜蜂的蜂巢長期提供蜂蜜及蜂蠟給人類,此助長了養蜂業的發展。
xi) 雄蜂在蜂群中的作用是與蜂后交配,交配後立即死亡。
xii) 在聖經裡,蜜蜂被喻為敵對勢力的強大(申命記1:44)。此外,在<士師記>上的記載,參孫曾在獅子身上找到蜂蜜,之後亦以作為給非利士人的謎語 (士師記 14:5-18)。- Marine Animals (水中的動物) - 10 BoW and PoW consists of Sydney Rock Oyster (石蠔), Bottlenose Dolphin (瓶鼻海豚), American Lobster (美洲螯龍蝦), Moon Jellyfish (海月水母), Caribbean Reef Squid (加勒比礁魷魚), Orca (殺人鯨), Ocellaris Clownfish (眼斑海葵魚), Sea Anemone (海葵), Haiwaiian Monk Seal (夏威夷海豹), Sunflower Sea Star (密棘海星)
example:- Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) (眼斑海葵魚)
i) Clownfish gets its name from its colorful and funny body.
ii) Ocellaris Clownfish is recognisable by its orange colour with three white bars and black markings on the fins. It grows to about 10 cm in length.
iii) The irises of the eyes are in grey or orange color.
iv) In the wild, Clownfish forms symbiotic mutualisms with sea anemones.
v) Clownfish feeds on algae, plankton, molluscs and undigested matter and parasites excreted from sea anemone. Such undigested matter and parasites are harmful to sea anemone if it is not cleared up.
vi) The faeces excreted from Clownfish is a food source for sea anemone.
vii) Clownfish live in small groups inhabiting a single anemone.
viii) Clownfish live in the shallow waters around coral reefs of the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, and the western Pacific.
ix) The group is comprised of a pair of parents and male offsprings. When the female dies, the dominant male changes sex and becomes the female.
x) Clownfish lay eggs on any flat surface close to their host anemones.
xi) Clownfish were the first type of marine ornamental fish to be successfully bred in captivity on a large scale. They can be found in the common aquarium and kept at home.
xii) A Ocellaris Clownfish named as Nemo is the main character of a Disney-Pixar film - "Finding Nemo". - Amphibians / Reptiles (兩棲類及爬蟲類動物) - 5 BoW and PoW consists of Red Eye Tree Frog (紅眼睛樹蛙), Red-eared Slider (紅耳龜 / 巴西龜), King Cobra (眼鏡王蛇), Malagasy Giant Chameleon (馬達加斯加變色龍), Saltwater Crocodile (灣鱷)
- Birds (烏類) - 5 BoW and PoW consists of Ostrich (鴕鳥), Bald Eagle (白頭海鵰), Domestic Pigeon (白鴒), Green Peafowl (綠孔雀), Chicken (雞)
example: Bald Eagle (白頭海鵰)
i) Bald Eagles are known for their remarkable eyesight. They can see clearer and farther than almost any other animal on Earth, with color vision that is 8 times sharper than human.
ii) Bald Eagle is native to North America and it is the National Bird of U.S.A. and the most recognizable emblem of U.S.A. as well.
iii) Bald Eagle is a large bird and its body length can reach 70 to 100 cm, wingspan from 169 to 244 cm, weights from 2.5 to 6.5 kg. Female bald eagle is 25% bigger than the male in size.
iv) The bald eagle's scientific name signifies a sea (halo) eagle (aeetos) with a white (leukos) head.
v) Bald Eagle has a white head, upper neck and tail with a yellow bill and dark brown plumage.
vi) Its diet consists mainly of fish. It hunts fish by swooping down and snatching the fish out of the water with its talons.
vii) Bald eagles are found throughout most of North America, from Alaska and Canada to northern Mexico.
viii) The Bald Eagle prefers habitats near seacoasts, rivers, large lakes, oceans, and other large bodies of open water with an abundance of fish.
ix) Bald Eagles can live up to thirty years, and often survive longer in captivity.
x) It reaches speeds of 56–70 kilometers per hour when gliding and flapping.
xi) Bald Eagles have powerful talons and have been recorded flying with a 7 kg fawn.
xii) Female Bald Eagles produce between one and three eggs per year. Both the male and female take turns incubating the eggs.
xiii) "but they that wait for Jehovah shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint." (Isaiah 40:31)
xiv) In 2007, the U.S. Government took the Bald Eagle off the Endangered Species List as the population of bald eagle has become stable. - Land Mammals - 10 BoW and PoW consists of Spectacled Flying-fox Bat (灰頭狐蝠), Cheetah (獵豹), Horse (馬), Koala (樹熊), Orangutan (猩猩), Great Panda (大熊貓),African Bush Elephant (非洲象), Red Panda (小熊貓), Domestic sheep (羊), African Lion (非洲獅子)
- Landmarks of the Modern World (瞬間看地球) - 5 BoW and PoW consists of Arc de Triomphe, Paris, France (巴黎凱旋門), Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro (救世基督像‧里約熱內盧), National Stadium, Beijing (北京國家體育場), Saint Basil's Cathedral, Moscow (華西里‧柏拉仁諾教堂‧莫斯科), Sydney Opera House, Sydney (雪梨歌劇院)
- Musical Instruments (樂器) - 5 BoW and PoW consists of French Horn (法國號), Violin (小提琴), Piano (鋼琴), Drum Kit (爵士鼓), Saxophone (色士風)
example:- French Horn (法國號)
i) French Horn is brass instrument, its shapes like a horn. ii) It consists of about 3.7 m of tubing wrapped into a coil with a flared bell. - National Flags (國旗) - 10 BoW and PoW consists of Australia, Canada, People Republic's of China, France, India, Israel, Japan, Russia, United Kingdom, United States of America
example - People Republic's of China (中華人民共和國)
i) At approximately 9.6 million square kilometres, China is the world's fourth largest country by total area, after Russia, Canada, and US.
i) 中國的領土面積約960萬平方公里,是全世界第四大的國家,僅次於俄羅斯、加拿大及美國。
ii) China is the most populous in the world with 1,338,612,968 in 2009, about one fifth of the world population.
ii) 中國的人口超過13億,約佔全球人口的五分之一,是世界上人口最多的國家。
iii) China has jurisdiction over twenty-three provinces (no control of Taiwan), five autonomous regions, four municipalities and two highly autonomous Special Administrative Regions (Hong Kong and Macau). The Capital is Beijing, and the other major cities includes , Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin and Chongqing.
iii) 全國劃分為23個省(其中並沒有對台灣省實際管轄)、5個自治區、4個直轄市和2個特別行政區(香港、澳門),首都是北京,其他主要的城市是上海、廣州、深圳、天津、重慶。
iv) Chinese Civilisation can be traced to 5,000 years ago and the People's Republic of China was established in 1st October, 1949.
iv) 中國的文明可追溯到5,000年前,而中華人民共和國是在1949年10月1日成立。
v) The red background symbolizes the blood of heroes who died during the revolution. The golden colour mainly symbolizes the history and culture of the Chinese.
v) 中國的國旗的紅色背景象徵革命烈士所流的血,金黃色象徵中國的輝煌歷史及文化。
vi) The larger star symbolizes the leadership of the Communist Party, and the four smaller stars that surround the big star symbolize the four classes of Chinese people - Workers, Peasants, Petty Bourgeoisie and National Bourgeoisie.
vi) 一顆「大五角星」代表中國共產黨,四顆「小五角星」:代表工人、農民、知識分子、民族資產階級。
vii) Hong Kong is situated at the South east coastline of China, facing Shenzhen of Guangdong Province to the north. The distance between Beijing and Hong Kong is 1,972 km. It takes about 3.5 hours by airplane from Hong Kong.
vii) 香港位於華南沿岸、珠江口以東,北接廣東省深圳市。香港跟北京相距1,972公里,乘坐飛機約需3.5小時。
.................... - Musical Notation (音樂符號) - 20 BoW
- Scales (Major and Minor) - 10 BoW
如您欲(或有感動(華人基督徒的術語))參與這項翻譯、試讀、校對、 給予意見的工作,請在以下的意見箱留下你的稱謂及電郵或電郵給我 - tiknGod@yahoo.com, 之後我會以電郵要求你回覆有興趣參與翻譯、試讀、校對、給予意見的類別(#1-#10), 並把相關的BoW、相關的參考資料給你。
Schedule of the following work:-
1. Send request to the interested parents for proofreading, review, comment and translation and wait for their feedback and works. (3-4 weeks - by 24 Nov)
2. another week for wrap up and consolidation
3. in the meantime, started from 10 Nov, send invitation to the previous subscribers of word cards and Math Dots cards and the interested parties and accept the first round of internal and early bird subscription.
4. Started from 20 Nov, launch the Initial Public Subscription for any interested parties.
5. By the end of November, we will fix up all the 130 BoW and PoW of both Chinese and English versions and ready for bulk printing. Once we received more than 50 subscriptions, it's cost effective to go bulk printing and we will request the subscribers for 30% desposit.
6. The Encyclopaedic Knowledge cards for babies and kids - Phase I of 130 PoW (12-15 facts of an object) and BoW (a real photo of an object) will be available around Christmas time - a Joyful festival for everyone.
Previously related Blog Articles:-
iii) Brass Instruments are musical instrument you play by making your lips vibrate.
iv) In general, the longer the tube, the lower the pitch of the instrument.
v) Horns have valves, operated with the left hand.
vi) The valves change the pitch of a brass instrument by forcing air to travel trough a longer pathway.
vii) The horn was used primarily to call hounds and made up special codes to signal each other on a hunt in Royal family.
viii) By the end of the 18th Century, an international celebrity horn player, Giovanni Punto touring Europe and inspiring many composers. One of them was Beethoven.
ix) The rotary valve horn was invented in the early 19th century, and soon solved the problem of frequent changes of crooks in performance.
x) A classical orchestra usually contained two horns. Typically, the 1st horn played a high part and the 2nd horn played a low part.
xi) The playing range of French Horn is:- From C one octave below middle C to C one octave above middle C.
xii) One of the best ever examples of French Horn is the Tchaikovsky's Fifth Symphony.
i) 法國號是一種銅管樂器器,形狀像一枚獸角。
ii) 法國號是由銅管長達3.7米捲曲而成,再配合一個喇叭狀的鐘。
iii) 吹奏者以嘴唇的顫動,去推動銅管內的空氣,繼而產生聲音。
iv) 一般情況下,銅管越長,發出的音調越低。
v) 法國號上的閥門是以左手操作的。
vi) 閥門的操作,可以控制到在铜管的空氣行走路程的長短,繼而改變到發出的音調。
vii) 法國號最早是用於皇室貴胄在打獵時,呼喚獵犬及間同伴互通訊號的發聲工具。
viii) 在18世紀後期,有一位蜚聲國際的法國號演奏家Giovanni Punto在歐洲巡迴表演,啟發了很多作曲家,其中的一位是貝多芬。
ix) 法國號的轉閥是在19世紀的早期發明的,從此經常在演奏中變調所遇上的問題便解決不少了。
x) 一般的交響樂團裡,經常會設有兩個法國號的吹奏師,分别司職高音或低音部分。
xi) 法國號的音域寬廣,從中央C低八度的C到比中央C高八度的C。
xii) 其中一首由法國號吹奏的名曲是柴可夫斯基的第五交響曲
- 教導寶寶百科圖卡 之 集體編纂 (Collaboration Group Invitation)
- Teach Baby Encyclopaedic Knowledge I
- Teach Baby Encyclopaedic Knowledge II
- Teach Baby Encyclopaedic Knowledge III